Thursday, September 12, 2019

Reading Notes: Noah Part B

  • The next section outlines the Holy Book, aka the Torah
  • It explains how the book is the word of God
  • Then, it goes on to explain how the animals on the ark went to populate the earth, and were referred to as the inmates of the ark.
  • The flood then comes, which is now a representation from a different point of view
  • Similar events occur, such as the length of the flood and the work of Noah to save a pair of all animals.
  • Noah decides to leave the ark, and begs the Lord for mercy for the creatures, as the flood was Great.
  • God blessed Noah for the sacrifice he made.
  • Just as in Part A, Noah drank too much wine and became drunk. His son Canaan had to suffer for his father's sin
  • The next part outlines how Noah's descendants populate the world after the flood has gone and Noah is dead.
  • Then, the outline of the great Tower of Babel is talked about, where a great city and tower is constructed almost in spite of God.
  • This is when God decides to create many languages so that people cannot communicate.

Bibliography: Noah Unit, The Legend of the Jews, Louis Ginzberg, unTextbook

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