Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Reading Notes: Noah Part A

  • Lineage of Noah described
  • God said that He does not like what He created and will make a flood to wipe out the planet
  • Noah is in good faith, so God instructs him to build an ark with certain dimensions
  • The flood occurs, and everything dies except those that are on the ark
  • The flood ends, and Noah sends a dove to see if the water has finally subsided.
  • Once it has, Noah leaves the ark and all the creatures do with him.
  • Noah then gets very drunk, and one of his children sees him naked and covers him
  • At Babel, the humans of the earth and descendants of Noah all spoke one language, but this was where they were scattered across the earth.
  • The next part outlines the prophecy of the Great Flood, and the birth of Noah
  • Men often give in to temptation, as this is a common theme in the Bible
  • There were then children who were born only after a few days of pregnancy, and believed they were safe from a flood because Methuselah was alive.

Bibliography: Noah Unit, The Legend of the Jews, Louis Ginzberg, unTextbook

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